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Why this reaction to CALCIUM D GLUCARATE?!?

@drmullin30 Wow I can't believe I've been dealing with this issue since 2018. Sorry I haven't been able to reply. Life has been one big poop show after another. I recently had a hemorrhaging bleed again which took 20 sessions of acupuncture to stop. Now I'm onto my second menstrual cycle since the recent sessions and thankfully my body is able to stop on it's own after 10 days, but not without experiencing some random floods first. It moves like water out of me along with fist sized clots. This time it was brought on by taking a month of Lions Mane supplements. I was hoping it would heal previous brain injury symptoms I suffered. Reading online, it appears to activate flares in people with autoimmune disease, which I wasn't aware of.
If you are regularly in exposure to water-damaged building, that could be part of your problem, too. CIRS looks like lots of different illnesses.


Senior Member
Sorry to bring up my old thread but I've discovered some things along the way. My bleeding is somehow caused by high prolactin and low progesterone. I suspect the glutathione that was given to me mobilized the estrogen in my body or it raised prolactin. The reason why DIM didnt work and in fact made things worse was because it can actually make estrogen dominance worse. It raises overall levels of estrogen since it helps metabolize bad estrogens in to good estrogens. Bad idea for me since my progesterone was still low. Calcium D glucarate must have detoxed not only the estrogen but also other hormones. I will eventually revisit Calcium D glucarate again but at the moment I am trialling high dose Vitex. Then maybe test Calcium D glucarate twice a week rather than every day. @TJ_in_UT Are you still using CDG?


Senior Member
I try to take Calcium D Glucarate but every time it increases inflammation.

So increase of pain in pelvis and breasts (ovarian cysts and breast pain flare up every luteal phase), wrist and finger pain, back pain.

I was told to also take high dose progesterone at the same time to clear excess estrogen. Well I'm taking large doses of progesterone along with the CDG, and it's not helping.

Wish I understood why CDG increases pain every time for me.


Senior Member
could it be that your pain actually is due to the calcium. i get muscle pain from calcium supplements. nothing else gives me this. (besides over exercising, which actually might be the same reason, too much influx of calcium into the cell, too less ATP to bring it out, manifesting in calcium overload and pain maybe)
could be that your clearance for calcium isnt good, body cant metabolise it fast enough so it wreaks havoc.
but calcium is essential for many things... so this is a paradoxical situation.
maybe vitamin k2 may of help, or magnesium, or some other counter part of calcium. sodium is one too.

Calcium D glucarate must have detoxed not only the estrogen but also other hormones.
this is the first time i read that hormones get detoxed. in my current understanding this makes no sense as hormones are made on the fly as required or signaled and are not stored. of course there can be too much of any hormone at any time and the body has immediate pathways to get rid of those. but as i read this sentence it read like detoxification of something stored. my idea would be to fix the reason why the body makes to much of the bad hormones. which i do not know yet. otherwise its like moping water without fixing the leak.
can someone supply me literature or explanation for this?

i noticed once more that i get paradoxical weight gain from eggs and butter, and fishoil. its not calories as i keep those on same level by switching foods. so 70cal of cheese do not give me weight gain, but 70cal from eggs do which has same fat composition. and i get it mainly in the butt and upper legs.
this is somewhat weird. i am theorizing that it could be due to shift in hormonal balance, maybe to more estrogen, less testosterone. i do not want my body to make more of those bad hormones i already have too much, what do i do?
i suspect the specific fats to signal and promote certain hormones which lead to actual weight gain. also when i eat those things my symptoms get worse again, which tells me worse usage of energy.. so i am not using it for what i need but storing it instead.
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Senior Member
could it be that your pain actually is due to the calcium. i get muscle pain from calcium supplements. nothing else gives me this. (besides over exercising, which actually might be the same reason, too much influx of calcium into the cell, too less ATP to bring it out, manifesting in calcium overload and pain maybe)
could be that your clearance for calcium isnt good, body cant metabolise it fast enough so it wreaks havoc.
but calcium is essential for many things... so this is a paradoxical situation.
maybe vitamin k2 may of help, or magnesium, or some other counter part of calcium. sodium is one too.
Interesting. Could also be impurities in the supplement and fillers. I drink 2L milk a day so get calcium that way but maybe supplemental Ca a problem. I've fallen off K2 (don't like the MCT oil in Thorne's) but take magnesium topically.


Senior Member
Interesting. Could also be impurities in the supplement and fillers. I drink 2L milk a day so get calcium that way but maybe supplemental Ca a problem. I've fallen off K2 (don't like the MCT oil in Thorne's) but take magnesium topically.
the thorne k2mk4 is garbage. i get stomach issues from it.
i tolerate carlson k2 mk4 best.

regarding the hormones, this i wanted to add:


Senior Member
the thorne k2mk4 is garbage. i get stomach issues from it.
i tolerate carlson k2 mk4 best.

regarding the hormones, this i wanted to add:
Why do you think the Thorne does that? The MCT oil?

Carlson K has silicon dioxide and microcyrstalline celulose, which can cause problems, so interesting you can tolerate it better.


Senior Member
Why do you think the Thorne does that? The MCT oil?
i suspect they use palm oil as their source of mct which does cause problems for me.
but it could also be the source of the mk4 itself , which is either extracted of tobacco plants or something else i forgot.
or helper chemicals which dont need to be declared.
could also be impurities, its a difference if something is 99,5 or 99,9 % clean. (1 gram of something being 99,9% - 99,5% clean means its 10-50mg something else. 10-50mg depending on what can have a big impact on your body.)
Carlson K has silicon dioxide and microcyrstalline celulose, which can cause problems, so interesting you can tolerate it better.
dont get confused by those ingredients. they can be in others too, the laws are so lax they are often not even required to label it. so its often voluntarely for vendors to write things to the ingredient list.

also its a supplement, and as those are not controlled or reglemented in a meaningful way, they can put all crap in their without labeling it. you do not even know if the dosage is correct.


Senior Member
Which is why most of the time supplements don't help or make me worse, I suppose.

I'm taking a lot of progesterone with the CDG and the pain isn't as bad this week. Not sure if I'm getting 'used' to it or what. I've lost of couple of pounds. I'm about 40 lbs overweight and it's very hard for me to lose weight after low carb wrecked my metabolism years ago so I'll stick with the CDG for a while longer.