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Vit. D causing allergies to flareup

My blood test shows 25-OH-vitamin D at 14.4 ng/mL which the laboratory considers to be too low and they recommend a level above 30 ng/mL. Since receiving the results I've tried to supplement with vitamin D in various forms(D3 drops, D3 tabs, D3 sublingual, D2 capsules) and I always get the same results: muscle cramps, back pain, headache, sneezing, nose dripping, stuffy nose and generally feel like a have a cold though I know it's not a cold but my allergies flaring up.

I don't know why vitamin D would make my allergies worse so I started to read a lot on the subject and found some information about cofactors needed to activate vitamin D. So I've started to supplement with: Magnesium, Selenium, Boron, Vitamin A, Zinc, and lately my headaches are almost gone but the other aspects are still there(nose dripping, sneezing etc). Now I'm trying to confirm by blood test if I have some kind of mineral deficiency: serum Magnesium has came out ok(mid-range) and I'm still waiting for intracellular Magnesium and Glutathione Peroxidase(this can be low because of Selenium deficiency so it could be a good hint)

Has anyone else encountered such a bad reaction from vitamin D?


Psalm 46:1-3
Great Lakes
Are you adding Vitamin C and K2 as well?

And I agree with you on the needed cofactors. I think D3 jump starts a bunch of processes in the body and that quickly uses up resources that we may already be deficient on.

Plus, some brands do not make me feel well. (Carlson's oil drops and Bio-tech capsules).

I've had positive responses from ones made from fish oil like Solgar or Prohealth D3 Extreme (the soy free version).

The latter is my favorite and the one I use most. I only take it about 1-2x per month since our bodies are able to store it. It took my levels from around 19 to above 80. (Of course, maybe that's one of the ones you've tried but with issues.)

Edit: The Prohealth one is not a fish oil based one though. Sorry if the way I worded that is confusing.


Senior Member
This is the same as myself and I think I cracked the code - whether that is the same for you I do not know.

There are 2 forms of Vitamin D (the serum form which is the common test) and the active form which is measured in immune cells, this test is generally not measured but may be more important.

Low levels can be seen in the test you did, but normal or high levels can be shown in the immune cells where Vit D is utilized.

This has been demonstrated in auto-immune conditions, I have a post that links the study, I can find that for you if you like. The Marshall Protocol centers around this issue.


Senior Member
Has anyone else encountered such a bad reaction from vitamin D?
and no solution yet.

regarding vitamin D supplement , it might make sense to check what form you take, vegan from algae or from lanolin/sheep?
you might be allergic to either the algae or the sheep (which isnt uncommon). so in that case you indeed have a allergy to the thing you take.
or you might be allergic to the other ingredients.

in general, supplement quality seams to have worsened the last 2 years. so your supplement might cause the allergic reaction.
i had this from other supplements.

i just remembered that vitamin D drains potassium. maybe take that?
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Are you adding Vitamin C and K2 as well?

I have a bad reaction to both:
- vitamin C makes my diarrhea worse, I can sometimes tolerate 80 mg of it but it's a gamble for me
- vitamin K2 also flares up my allergies, I have some K2 mk7 made from Natto which I bought because I didn't know at that time I would have a bad reaction; when I started taking them my nose and throat became inflamed; while on it even flushing the toilet caused problems: because of the tiny amount of Chlorine in the water I would start to cough; maybe I need some form of synthetic vitamin K, that does not contain Natto, or maybe I'm allergic to vitamin K as well as vitamin D

There are 2 forms of Vitamin D (the serum form which is the common test) and the active form which is measured in immune cells, this test is generally not measured but may be more important.
I have done some panels of blood tests for various autoimmune conditions and found some CENP B auto anti bodies but the amount they found was too small and it doesn't seem to correlate with any known disease.
The information I had found until now is that vitamin D should help with autoimmune diseases and not the other way around. Actually this was part of my motivation for trying vitamin D(apart from my low level): I thought that supplementing with vitamin D will help me get rid of the antibodies, but judging from what is happening with my allergies you may be right.
It's possible that I have some autoimmune condition that was kept under control because of my low 25-OH level and trying to supplement will only make me feel worse. Right now I can barely manage 1000 UI and, based on what you are saying, I'm considering stopping it. I did not know in autoimmune diseases you can have low 25-OH but high active vitamin D, can you please share a link to the study/article about it?

it might make sense to check what form you take, vegan from algae or from lanolin/sheep?
you might be allergic to either the algae or the sheep (which isnt uncommon). so in that case you indeed have a allergy to the thing you take.
or you might be allergic to the other ingredients.
Unfortunately most producers do not specify what kind they used, the only information I have is about the D2 capsule which is made from inactivated Saccharomyces cerevisiae. I'm guessing I've tried enough types of vitamin D supplements to know it's not the ingredients but the actual vitamin that is hurting me.
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Psalm 46:1-3
Great Lakes
I did not know in autoimmune diseases you can have low 25-OH but high active vitamin D, can you please share a link to the study/article about it?
I know that question was for Line and he'll probably give you a better link but Ken Lassessen also talks about this on his website. https://cfsremission.com/2013/02/24/autoimmune-and-vitamin-125d/

(It's my morning hours here so reading technical stuff at this time of day is difficult for me. Consequently, I didn't re-read that just now. I think it's not the usual page I post from his site on the topic, where he talks about it being related to ME, but I hope it is still helpful to you. You can also do a search down his Alphabetical Listings of Posts page to see where he's talked about it on other occasions. You might be able to find that other post.)


Senior Member
- vitamin C makes my diarrhea worse, I can sometimes tolerate 80 mg of it but it's a gamble for me
same, but no such problems with sodium ascorbate, i can take like 5 grams and no diarrhea where as normal ascorbic acid and other forms give me diarrhea in doses like 50-100mg.
though i react to different brands allergic. they switch production processes all the time. its so hard to find something good and clean.

i bought potassium ascorbate yesterday from a allegedly german high quality company producing only in europe. and free of everything they say.
i put the pot.ascorbate in my mouth, i got immediate burning in my mouth , and even the skin reacted. i never experienced anything like this. i am not allergic to vitamin c nor to potassium, but this product gave me a insane instant reaction.
where as the sodium ascorbate no problem at all.
its really the supplements, they mess with us, they use bad production processes and contaminate products with impurities. mine said 99% pure... sounds great but is garbage, everything below 99,9% is just crap. imagine putting 1000mg of it in your mouth, you get 10mg of something else you dont wanna know what it is (or actually you do).
- vitamin K2 also flares up my allergies, I have some K2 mk7 made from Natto which I bought because I didn't know at that time I would have a bad reaction; when I started taking them my nose and throat became inflamed; while on it even flushing the toilet caused problems: because of the tiny amount of Chlorine in the water I would start to cough; maybe I need some form of synthetic vitamin K, that does not contain Natto, or maybe I'm allergic to vitamin K as well as vitamin D
you have the exact same problems as i do. insane allergies triggered by everything. regarding the k2, it is made from plants, one of them is tobacco. i reacted to one k2mk4 brand with bad stomach issues,and with another not at all.
It's possible that I have some autoimmune condition that was kept under control because of my low 25-OH level and trying to supplement will only make me feel worse. Right now I can barely manage 1000 UI and, based on what you are saying, I'm considering stopping it. I did not know in autoimmune diseases you can have low 25-OH but high active vitamin D, can you please share a link to the study/article about it?
this vitamin D reaction of yours is like mine it seams. so mine is not so instant, its stronger to other stuff like natural anything extract. like vitamin C extracts.. i get cummulative worsening of this symptoms over days the longer i take it. i do not get it that strong from sodium ascorbate, actually i am not sure sodium ascorbate does anything here.

BUT just 2 years ago, i could take 5000 iu of D on 1-2 days and my cough and allergies increased considerable, i could see the redness on my skin go back to normal color between my toes and also my cough and reaction to triggers massively reduced or was gone at all. lasted always for 1-2 weeks.

and 4 years ago when i somehow got my D levels to 88ng/ml i was the best in terms of allergies i was in my adult life. i could eat things again i couldnt for long time. no reaction to anything. was really good time in terms of allergies.

so D did work, but doesnt anymore. need to figure out was the problem is. i think you have the same problem, we need to find the thing missing to make D work correctly again.
i have a theory what might cause this. below more.
Unfortunately most producers do not specify what kind they used
actually by not specifying the kind, the actually do specify it, because no specification is always lanolin. because the other is much more expensive and they advertise it.

there is also some brands like decristol which use or used peanut oil as D source. not sure they do anymore.

my current hypothesis
why D doesnt work anymore or everything else is triggering worsening of allergies.
i got a newsletter from chris masterjohn yesterday, it was talking about molybdenum and its roll in processing sulfites to sulfates. so if you got to less of it you get a accumulation over time of sulfiteand this can lead to allergy like symptoms.
i try some molybdenum soon. lets see if this is actually whats going on.

its also more complicated with vitamin D because it has a strong interaction with sulfate. i think natural vitamin D has some sulfate in it, where as synthetic cholecalciferol does not.
maybe synthetic D does overload the sulfite->sulfate pathways. i dont know. just guessing, but lets try to find out.

Molybdenum is necessary to convert the highly toxic sulfite to the highly useful sulfate. Sulfite can cause anxiety, sleep disruption, excessive startle reflex, or mast cell degranulation and pseudo-allergies. Sulfate is needed for detoxification and healthy hormone metabolism. Much of the nausea, sickness, and mental deterioration that can happen in pregnancy is due to sulfite accumulation. You’re likely to run deficient in molybdenum if you eat a lot of meat but don’t eat liver, and in general if you don’t eat beans. ...

thats a interesting piece about sulfate, vitamin D sulfate and the role of the sun in making the body produce it
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Senior Member

I think if they could test the active form of Vitamin D, this would solve the question, I think that is 1 25(OH)2D

This article may be helpful:

Here is a snippet from the 2nd link:

  • Peripheral target cells (such as immune cells) contain enzymes capable of converting vitamin D into 25(OH)D and then to 1,25(OH)2D to initiate a host of physiological functions critical to vitamin D’s roles in DNA regulation and interaction, and signal transduction
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This is what happened to me lately:

1. Discovered Magnesium Deficiency

I said that I was still waiting for my results for Intracelluar(RBC) Magnesium and Glutathione Peroxidase(GPX), they finally arrived and I discovered that I am Magnesium deficient while Selenium levels are ok(since GPX was in range). Magnesium however was 1.4 mmol/L which is 17% below the minimum level for the lab and this was in spite of supplementing with Magnesium Citrate in the previous period. I have switched to Magnesium Bisglycinate since I read that this has a much better absorption rate.

2. Severe allergies from probiotic with vitamin D

Since I realized that my allergies get worse from vitamin D I wanted to find a solution and came across a probiotic that says it modulates the immune system, my hope was that it would "repair" something in my body so it would accept the vitamin D. The name of the specific strand of the bacteria is Bifidobacterium lactis HN019 and it came with a very tiny amount of vitamin D: 2.5 mcg which is 100 UI. I thought I could tolerate 100 UI, but I was wrong! This combination of HN019 and 100UI of vit.D made my allergies much worse(even worse than the time I tryed 4000 UI of vitamin D), my chemical allergies went berserk: I could not stand tap water at all because of the chlorine content, while showering my nose was constantly dripping, after flushing the toilet I would have to leave the bathroom immediately, some nights I could only sleep with the air filter on, leaving the house meant my nose became stuffed and dripping, could not stand any type of chemical smells in the house(detergents and the like), kept sneezing plus head aches all day long. I stopped the probiotic and issues did not go away as fast as I'd hopped, the effects lasted for about a week. There is definitely something wrong with my immune system and I'm convinced it has something to do with the gut: this would explain my constant loose stools and why I have high Calprotectin in my stool and high Hepcidin in my blood.

3. Very low 25(OH)D but upper-normal 1,25(OH)2D

I want to thank the user @LINE for the idea that in immune diseases you can have low inactive vitamin D with high/normal active one, this really pointed me in the right direction! Now, at least, I understand some of the stuff that's going on with me. To test the idea I have repeated the vitamin D blood tests and done both active and inactive at the same time so there won't be any discussion about it being done in separate days/period:
- inactive 25(OH)D is now at 11 ng/mL(was initially at 14.4 ng/mL) which is well below the threshold for deficiency
- active 1,25(OH)2D is 61.8 pg/mL whereas normal range is 25-86.5 pg/mL for the lab, this means it is above the middle point of the normal range

I would have expected both to be low but is seems somehow active vitamin D is overproduced. I will definitely read up information about the Marshall Protocol but one thing that caught my attention is they say to use Olmesartan and I don't know that I can get it in my area. Also, as I do not have any problems with hypertension, any doctor over here would most likely not want to prescribe it to me. Maybe I can find some herbal replacement, I will have to see...

4. High PTH

I have tested my PTH levels several times and they come out around 90 pg/mL even though I have normal Calcium and Phosphate levels, this seems to indicate hyperparathyroidism. I have not talked to a doctor about it as I know what they are going to say: surgery might be necessary. I'm hoping it's related to the VDR receptors on the parathyroid and fixing them with the Marshal Protocol might normalize the levels.

There are other stuff I have found out about my health but this is a long post and they are probably not related to the vitamin D problem. What I will do in the following period is read up on the Marshal Protocol and try it. Thank you all for the support and special thanks to @LINE


Senior Member
2. Severe allergies from probiotic with vitamin D

Since I realized that my allergies get worse from vitamin D I wanted to find a solution and came across a probiotic that says it modulates the immune system, my hope was that it would "repair" something in my body so it would accept the vitamin D. The name of the specific strand of the bacteria is Bifidobacterium lactis HN019 and it came with a very tiny amount of vitamin D: 2.5 mcg which is 100 UI. I thought I could tolerate 100 UI, but I was wrong! This combination of HN019 and 100UI of vit.D made my allergies much worse(even worse than the time I tryed 4000 UI of vitamin D), my chemical allergies went berserk: I could not stand tap water at all because of the chlorine content, while showering my nose was constantly dripping, after flushing the toilet I would have to leave the bathroom immediately, some nights I could only sleep with the air filter on, leaving the house meant my nose became stuffed and dripping, could not stand any type of chemical smells in the house(detergents and the like), kept sneezing plus head aches all day long. I stopped the probiotic and issues did not go away as fast as I'd hopped, the effects lasted for about a week. There is definitely something wrong with my immune system and I'm convinced it has something to do with the gut: this would explain my constant loose stools and why I have high Calprotectin in my stool and high Hepcidin in my blood.
after reading this, i doubt your reaction has anything todo with vitamin D at all.
its probably the probiotics or the filler.

definitely theres a immunse system malfunction in some way going on.

i have btw the same problem. not sure vitamin D plays much a role in it, but certain vitamin Cs and everything plant-extracts and coconut oil or just mct oil all make the same problems you describe.
careful, vitamin D usually is solved into some oily solution like MCT! so in fact you and i could react to the mct and not the D.

how to find out? take a vitamin D which is pure powder without oil and at best vegan source because a lot of folks including myself are allergic to lanolin. which normal vitamin D is made off.

so it could actually also be a allergy to lanolin being fired up with vitamin D.

but here begins the problem, there is no vitamin D on the market (which i know off) which is pure powder and not made from lanolin. if you find one please share with me.

there is a alternative, not supplementing cholecalciferol but calci(fe)diol. australia hat a shop which sent those around i even tried those once but now i cannot order anymore. i also didnt have those allergy problems back then so i cannot tell if that vitamin D would show those reactions.

4. High PTH
high parathormone definitely sounds like a vitamin D deficiency issue.
but its complicated to fix now before the MP.

i know nothing about the marshal protocol, etc. just writing my thoughts, no medical advice.

EDIT: ok i now read about the MP, so you have to have a vitamin D level of below 12ng/ml to make that stuff work.
can you please report back your results with the MP, you may also PM me. i really need to find out if this is working for you. i might try this too then.

i wonder, isnt there another innert immunesystem modulator which does this?
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Senior Member
This is what happened to me lately:

1. Discovered Magnesium Deficiency

I said that I was still waiting for my results for Intracelluar(RBC) Magnesium and Glutathione Peroxidase(GPX), they finally arrived and I discovered that I am Magnesium deficient while Selenium levels are ok(since GPX was in range). Magnesium however was 1.4 mmol/L which is 17% below the minimum level for the lab and this was in spite of supplementing with Magnesium Citrate in the previous period. I have switched to Magnesium Bisglycinate since I read that this has a much better absorption rate.
>>Magnesium is a critical mineral as you know. Keep in mind that people respond differently with different forms of magnesium. Those forms are many such as glycinate, lysinate, malate, taurate etc. UltraMag is a good product since it is a blend of different forms that seem to be bioavailable. Oxide is usually found in inferior products b/c it is cheap but not good in terms of bioavailability.
2. Severe allergies from probiotic with vitamin D

Since I realized that my allergies get worse from vitamin D I wanted to find a solution and came across a probiotic that says it modulates the immune system, my hope was that it would "repair" something in my body so it would accept the vitamin D. The name of the specific strand of the bacteria is Bifidobacterium lactis HN019 and it came with a very tiny amount of vitamin D: 2.5 mcg which is 100 UI. I thought I could tolerate 100 UI, but I was wrong! This combination of HN019 and 100UI of vit.D made my allergies much worse(even worse than the time I tryed 4000 UI of vitamin D), my chemical allergies went berserk: I could not stand tap water at all because of the chlorine content, while showering my nose was constantly dripping, after flushing the toilet I would have to leave the bathroom immediately, some nights I could only sleep with the air filter on, leaving the house meant my nose became stuffed and dripping, could not stand any type of chemical smells in the house(detergents and the like), kept sneezing plus head aches all day long. I stopped the probiotic and issues did not go away as fast as I'd hopped, the effects lasted for about a week. There is definitely something wrong with my immune system and I'm convinced it has something to do with the gut: this would explain my constant loose stools and why I have high Calprotectin in my stool and high Hepcidin in my blood.
>>I would agree with @linusbert but would suspect that the problem is that it is causing a histamine release. Histamine release is known to be an issue with certain probiotics. Somehow, the immune system is reacting towards the probiotics. I am not sure if all probiotics do this or just certain ones. Live foods such as Kefir seem to do better and this is cheaper in terms of $.

(suspect dysbiosis in the gut - I can give you more information on this if you like. This likely is the root of the issues)

3. Very low 25(OH)D but upper-normal 1,25(OH)2D

I want to thank the user @LINE for the idea that in immune diseases you can have low inactive vitamin D with high/normal active one, this really pointed me in the right direction! Now, at least, I understand some of the stuff that's going on with me. To test the idea I have repeated the vitamin D blood tests and done both active and inactive at the same time so there won't be any discussion about it being done in separate days/period:
- inactive 25(OH)D is now at 11 ng/mL(was initially at 14.4 ng/mL) which is well below the threshold for deficiency
- active 1,25(OH)2D is 61.8 pg/mL whereas normal range is 25-86.5 pg/mL for the lab, this means it is above the middle point of the normal range

I would have expected both to be low but is seems somehow active vitamin D is overproduced. I will definitely read up information about the Marshall Protocol but one thing that caught my attention is they say to use Olmesartan and I don't know that I can get it in my area. Also, as I do not have any problems with hypertension, any doctor over here would most likely not want to prescribe it to me. Maybe I can find some herbal replacement, I will have to see...
>>You are welcome - that is a good find, thanks for sharing. I think this indicates that an infection is present and likely a good place to look is in the gut.
4. High PTH

I have tested my PTH levels several times and they come out around 90 pg/mL even though I have normal Calcium and Phosphate levels, this seems to indicate hyperparathyroidism. I have not talked to a doctor about it as I know what they are going to say: surgery might be necessary. I'm hoping it's related to the VDR receptors on the parathyroid and fixing them with the Marshal Protocol might normalize the levels.
>>It has been awhile since I dived into the PTH issue but will try to recall the information. Keep in mind that the endocrine system is a network, in other words, these are not individual systems but rather coordinate as a system. When one gland is over or underproducing then the other glands will be affected. The endocrine system is directly linked to the immune response (which is also linked to the neurological system).

These 3 systems are really one big network. For instance, when stress is induced, cortisol is secreted from the adrenal glands, cortisol directly impacts both the neurological system and the immune system.

My point is that the PTH is likely high due to immune activation and should self-correct without surgery (which is something I would be skeptical of btw (my opinion)).

There are other stuff I have found out about my health but this is a long post and they are probably not related to the vitamin D problem. What I will do in the following period is read up on the Marshal Protocol and try it. Thank you all for the support and special thanks to @LINE
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Senior Member
or vitamin d kills something in our system ? like unknown infections? just a thought maybe it is unrelated.
this is so hard to say.
what i know is that many artificial supplements give me problems and natural stuff does not.
for example,
- getting 10-20x RDA of vitamin A with liver, nothing happens, i might even feel good
- same with B12 from liver
- eating a pepper which has 250mg vitamin C, nothing... if i take 250mg plant extract vitamin C or acerola juice i get the known problems
- potassium from potatoes or banana , nothing happens ... even if i take in 1-2g potassium , but if i take just 150-300mg of potassium supplement i become problems
- taking copper supplement any dose gives me spinning vertigo... eating same dose as dark chocolate, nothing happens.

there is something about synthetic which fucks me up and problem everybody else too.
if i attribute those side effects to some logical reasoning why the basic compound .. vitamin whatever is doing sideeffects i can come up with wild explanations... but why doesnt natural high dose from food does not raise those problems?
this is so hard to say.
what i know is that many artificial supplements give me problems and natural stuff does not.
for example,
- getting 10-20x RDA of vitamin A with liver, nothing happens, i might even feel good
- same with B12 from liver
- eating a pepper which has 250mg vitamin C, nothing... if i take 250mg plant extract vitamin C or acerola juice i get the known problems
- potassium from potatoes or banana , nothing happens ... even if i take in 1-2g potassium , but if i take just 150-300mg of potassium supplement i become problems
- taking copper supplement any dose gives me spinning vertigo... eating same dose as dark chocolate, nothing happens.

there is something about synthetic which fucks me up and problem everybody else too.
if i attribute those side effects to some logical reasoning why the basic compound .. vitamin whatever is doing sideeffects i can come up with wild explanations... but why doesnt natural high dose from food does not raise those problems?
the same applies for me in vitamin c tablets of a known brand. I get itchy and noticed some spots of allergic reactions in my skin little bumps . most probably from bioflavanoids or filler. with vitamin d nothing happened till now I only experience a few sneeze. what vitamin d does to me more pain and fatigue interestingly in higher dose like more than 5000 iu.


Senior Member
Most Vit C is produced in China and have additives that can create immune reactions. This happened to me on several occasions. I switched to QualiC which is a pharmaceutical grade C - it could still cause problems for some but it has been good for me.
Just an update as I didn't have a chance to look over your suggestions: I have been struggling with a severe headache, dizziness and almost fainted a bunch of times. Didn't understand why initially, but finally figured out that it's because of a new detergent used to wash my clothes. This time there was not that much sneezing and nose/throat inflammation but, as I said, head ache and dizziness.
I still don't have a solution on how to buy Olmesartan, without it I can't do the Marshall Protocol.
While looking for information about the Marshall Protocol, as a happy coincidence, youtube algorithm suggested I look at videos for MCAS. This seems to tick a lot of boxes for me: nose/throat inflammation, Histamine overload(I have been taking Desloratadine and Quercetin to deal with all my chemical allergies), gut issues, memory slip-ups, tachycardia/arrhythmias, urticaria/rashes plus the aforementioned low (inactive) vitamin D. A lot of stuff I did not know are related. No doctor I went to(and there have been a lot) has ever mentioned this MCAS to me.

Now at least I have a new theory to test as I do not know how to advance with Marshall Protocol without Olmersartan. In the past days I have been miserable as I feel I can not improve my health no matter what I do: I've turned 40 this year and mostly homebound because of all my issues, I'm not married and haven't even had someone to call a girlfriend. I sometimes feel my life is wasting away on trying out various theories. Hope this MCAS does something to improve my prospects.


Senior Member
Most Vit C is produced in China and have additives that can create immune reactions. This happened to me on several occasions. I switched to QualiC which is a pharmaceutical grade C - it could still cause problems for some but it has been good for me.
china (as in chinese or far east products) is the new plague, not gonna lie. i am desperately looking for a quali-c based sodium ascorbate. any suggestions?

Didn't understand why initially, but finally figured out that it's because of a new detergent used to wash my clothes.
damn those stuff is nasty, my friend had once a flowery smelling stuff on her clothes, i felt similiar and it went immediately better when she left the room.

i learnt something yesterday, you can get small sheets of active coal which you can put either in your wardrobe or wrap the clothes directly with it. active coal is a strong chemical/voc absorber.
(activated charcoal filter sheets)

i am trying something new yesterday, tackling the same problems the thread opener described.
s-acteyl-glutathione , starting with 250mg , and see where i go from there.
so today i feel somewhat worse than yesterday, not taking it today.

whats the rationale behind this? chris masterjohn describes that a dose for him alleviated rather immediate the wheezing and allergy related problems for his lungs.
for him 1000mg s-acteyl-glutathione once ought to do it. (oh boy, i admire people who can just try a mega dose of something without crashing...)

also SAG is important in MCAS and detoxyfing A LOT.
BUT CAREFUL, it can make things worse for some. so better start slow like with 10mg and titrate up.

adding to this a interesting study:

Endogenous Deficiency of Glutathione as the Most Likely Cause of Serious Manifestations and Death in COVID-19 Patients"​

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Senior Member
@linusbert I do not believe they sell it as sodium ascorbate, people have posted how to make it using sodium bicarbonate (baking soda). BTW, baking soda has been a great therapy for me (not necessarily as sodium ascorbate). It neutralizes acids due to its high alkalinity.

I would agree that glutathione levels are low in many immune based diseases. Liposomal form is the most effective form. I would caution anyone using it to go slow - e.g. cut the recommended dose to 8 drops under the tongue. Reason is that it is a quite powerful detoxifier and pushing too many toxins out is a bad idea. Better to detox slower. As a side note, NAC could be helpful as well, NAC is a precursor to glutathione.

Environmental toxin sensitivity is a sign of liver congestion, glutathione plays a big role in the liver pathways. Charcoal (activated) is a powerful sweeper of toxins and will help the body detoxify as you mentioned.


Senior Member
, NAC could be helpful as well, NAC is a precursor to glutathione.
NAC is problematic for mcas related problems. glutathione seams not to be.
for me liposomal is a problem, because its by design mixed with oils, and i dont tolerate those. years ago i had one german supplier which was fine until they decided to replace alcohol as preservative with some plant extracts. now the whole industry seamed to have shifted towards this. cant take liposomal anymore.

i took 250mg 2days ago, i got a big worsening in muscle cramping and weakness (which is my main symptom and my sign for energy deficiency). BUT also a lot of other things were occuring at that time, weather shift, me overexercising and others. i might try again later.

i never understand how detoxing by taking it oral is a problem. i mean this 100-300mg is minimal compared to the ~7g the body makes itself. i do not believe detox plays a role here at all. i suspect the synthetic be a problem, either due to conversation issues. or sulfit issues or like fredd said, it bonding to b12 and as my understanding causing a functional b12 deficiency, or it interfering with methylation.

but as you said, i might try much lower the next time, like 50mg and see how thats going.