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The moderator of Reddit r/cfsme & r/mecfs pushes CBT and brain retraining and GET and bans you if you say something about it.


Senior Member
Me too. Was the first thing that I suspected when I got sick. How could it not at least be a major player? Ppl think we can trash the planet w/o consequences
If it wasn't I wouldn't be in this situation right now or at least not be as terrible of a case where I'm at the point of simply trying to find a consistent supplement stack that works for my quality of life and go from there. There were 2 points in my life I indistinctly remember toxins being involved that pushed me down further where I never completely got back up from. If I do the complete opposite of what I'm doing now and adopt a HIGH toxin lifestyle I'd be in the hospital by the end of the week, if I stop taking my supplements now it's also over too. I am alive right now and can at least still work my part time job because I manage my environmental toxic load so well and know the signs when my body is reacting badly to something so well now. I really don't know what peoples issue here is, all of my sensitivities even EMF wise are grounded scientifically even if we don't have some paper that solidly says "this specifically causes this in all cases" (which will never happen, the human body is too complex). I really think it's just herd mentality at its most absurd to the point of denying the reality right in front of them.


Senior Member
its so common that people ignore it because you cant do anything against it... well gov and corporations could... but why would they? there is no profit in that.
and gov is just puppet for corporations... so why would they?
they pretend to care about the planet with the co2... and despite that the co2 tax actually doesnt go to the environment... its just a big money grab scheme and its laundered around. probably most of co2 tax is right now driving around in a eastern european battlefield.
also so funny, that of all polutions they want to combat the least harmful thing... co2 has zero toxicity towards life, actually its good for plants and we humans need it too. but all those pesticides, micro plastic, chemicals.. nobody is doing anything about it, they are not even talking about this.

it pisses me off very frequently, i just was washing a cotton sponge in a bowl of glas and pure tap water. and it has a bit of chemical plastic smell. i suspect now that the new pipes from the new building or somewhere in the water installation give of this.

and then all this cheap chinese crap. i got the feeling they are incapable of producing anything which isnt toxic or leeching off.. no plastics, no glas, no steel... nothing... and everyone uses this garbage now. its incredible.

i ordered new porcellan dishes. to not hav any smell.. and the dish smells... i thought i was getting crazy that i now can smell porcellan. was attributing it to my poor condition or chemical sensibilities or whatever.
after a lot of dish washing the smell somehow disappeared... guess i wasnt crazy after all.

in the EU they did found chemicals in young children after the covid pandemic which werent there before. at the same time during the pandemic a lot of delivery chains changed where they replaced suppliers with cheap chinese suppliers.
if you ask me now, if there was some conspiratory higher goal of the pandemic, i would say it was to change supply chains and manufacturing. introduce new laws to prevent freedom and democracy more, and maybe a bit to prevent a certain potus from happening again.

what we need is a counter revolution. everything locally and self produced... use the sheep wool and stuff again for clothing. make own food. make own products with local good materials.
those globalist corporate supply chains are rotten to the core.
stay away from any big corporation stuff. no matter what they promise and tell about their products, its a bit fucking lie and nobody is setting them straight. also how would you do it anyways? a german company is selling products "(fake)made in germany", they order the products from china and then print a logo on it so they can say its made in germany. if the product is toxic.. how is gonna punish the chinese company? the chinese gov? for sure not... what happens is that they close the company, use the workers and machines etc in a new company and here we go again.

yesteryesterday i watched a episode of startrek tng. they found a civilization so high advanced they could just do wonderous things and lived extremly comfortable... but they needed to steel the human children from the starship "enterprise" because they couldnt breed themselves due to infertility. also somehow most of the planets animals died.
in the end, the source of all that comfort and life was that their energy source was polluting the planet and radiating them so they became impotent. the solution was to turn off the power source.
when they made those movies back in the 90s they alread knew what was coming... and yet we blindly drive full speed down the cliff.
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Senior Member
^ very much relate to prev 2 comments
i have 1970 Life magazine where they were warning of environmental collapse. 54 years ago. no one listened.
i guess some of us realize the earth is our home and some don't, just see it as resources to be extracted and ecosystems to be exploited.


Senior Member
i guess some of us realize the earth is our home and some don't, just see it as resources to be extracted and ecosystems to be exploited.
its always the same, those big mega corporations do those decisions.
i really have a hard time believing those who work and decide there are actual humans. how can they make decisions to bring out food which contains cancerous ingredients after independent research and a common agreement it shouldnt be in food, but then decide its better to buy in scientists and politicians and pretend it does not.
they eat that shit themselves, their families eat it themselves. WTF?! is money like nikotine? like cigarettes? is the greed so big that it disabled brain functions to do sane healthy decisions? whats going on.