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Does anyone know if the fillers in supplements could be bad for teeth, if the capsules are opened up and the powder swallowed?

I've been doing for a few supplements and because the amount I take of my b vitamins is so small (like 1/12 capsule) just pouring the powder in my mouth each time. It just occured to me this might not be great for the teeth... I thought on a forum with so many very experienced supplement takers it was worth a try to ask ☺️ thank you


Senior Member
I've done this before and haven't run into any teeth issues, I used to just dump it into a tiny cup and shoot it all down. Some taste absolutely horrid though, that was my only issue with doing this.


Senior Member
Just rinse mouth afterward, preferably with alkaline substance like baking soda diluted in water.
Don't leave anything that may have acidic pH on teeth.
I've done this before and haven't run into any teeth issues, I used to just dump it into a tiny cup and shoot it all down. Some taste absolutely horrid though, that was my only issue with doing this.
That's helpful to hear thank you! Yes the taste can be a challenge. I tried doing this with adrenal glandular and, oh god, mistake


The good news is patients don't die the bad news..
Its usually mostly starch, methylcellulose and/or magnesium stearate. It should not cause an issue.
Some exceptions are if the active compound is very acidic, i take acetyl carnitine and it seems to be acidic as vinegar if you open up the capsule (which i don't do intentionally).

That said i recently discovered nanohydroxyapatite and it is good at preventing and repairing early stage cavities.


Senior Member
That's helpful to hear thank you! Yes the taste can be a challenge. I tried doing this with adrenal glandular and, oh god, mistake

Do you mean side effects wise or taste? I tried Thorne's adrenal cortex before and I felt horrible, no increase in energy or mobility but a 500 percent increase in panic and anxiety for hours! Never touching the stuff again.
Do you mean side effects wise or taste? I tried Thorne's adrenal cortex before and I felt horrible, no increase in energy or mobility but a 500 percent increase in panic and anxiety for hours! Never touching the stuff again.
I actually meant taste wise. The worst one I ever tried. It helps me feel calmer on a really low dose but I tried increasing and got the jitters, really miserable!
Its usually mostly starch, methylcellulose and/or magnesium stearate. It should not cause an issue.
Some exceptions are if the active compound is very acidic, i take acetyl carnitine and it seems to be acidic as vinegar if you open up the capsule (which i don't do intentionally).

That said i recently discovered nanohydroxyapatite and it is good at preventing and repairing early stage cavities.
Thank you, good to know and I will have to look that up! I'm not really well enough to go to the dentist right now but I also have a really hard time brushing my teeth so this a source of stress for me