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Staggering Incompetence


Improved ME from 2 to 6
Alexandria, VA USA
I'm open to exploring any solution. I did follow some of your information in another thread and the source website did not exist. If you have a source to share, I'd like to take a look at it.
ME/CFS is not vit B12 deficiency. The symptoms are different. So don't get yourself thinking that you're going to make a medical breakthrough on this.

I use high dose methyl B12 to help with nerve healing. It does not affect ME.

There are many suppliers for methyl B12 vapes if you search around.
It's an easy vape fluid to make so I do it myself which is much cheaper than purchasing disposable vapes.
50/50 VG/PG with 0.5g of pure 100% methylcobalamine powder per 60 ml of fluid, steep for 1 week.

Cyanocobolamin fluid https://bigheartnaturals.com/products/vitamin-b12

Methylcobolamin disposable vape https://breatheb12.com/

These fluids do not have nicotine so they are not addictive.
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