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Has anyone been "cured" of bartonella?


Senior Member
Seattle, WA USA
A while back my doctor mentioned I should go on IV antibiotics for bartonella, after about 4 months of antibacterials (pills) didn't do anything at all. (if my memory serves me right it was doxycycline and clarithromyacin, but never EVER quote me! :cool: )

If this truly is bartonella that has been causing my issues, I have had it for 30 years. I do remember the illness as I had a high fever, and the next day I had purple "stretch marks" across my butt and stomach. I thought my skin must have been dry from the fever, but it does make sense that it could be bart marks. They look just like pregnancy stretch marks. The first and last picture in this link look just like what I have. http://healthool.com/bartonella/

I'm just curious if someone can have bartonella for that many years and eliminate it with IV antibiotics, or do I now have mitochondrial issues from years of illness and am better off waiting for Dr Davis et al? My chronic illness didn't start until 20 years ago, so my thought is more in Davis's future treatments, then when my body is working more normal, hit the bart?

I am so tired of this slow downward spiral, and am so sick I have a hard time believing I can work much longer. I'm getting desperate for a treatment, but done with trial and error treatments.

Tagging @justy because I remember some previous discussion with you


Moderation Resource Albuquerque
I'm just curious if someone can have bartonella for that many years and eliminate it with IV antibiotics, or do I now have mitochondrial issues from years of illness and am better off waiting for Dr Davis et al? My chronic illness didn't start until 20 years ago, so my thought is more in Davis's future treatments, then when my body is working more normal, hit the bart?
I have been in a similar position. I was positive for Bartonella by PCR, took antibiotics for a long time, but, if anything, felt worse. I would have been infected a long time ago too. My choice at the moment is some complementary therapies and waiting.....


Senior Member
Seattle, WA USA
Thank you Sushi. So frustrating! Did you take pill form? Or IV?

Also to update, I finally found my notes. He suggested IV triaxone or gentomyacin.... Spelling probably not correct. I will google them. (I was correct on the doxy and clarithromyacin pills)


Senior Member
@Strawberry, I can't say if I have been cured, but the terrible heel pain in both feet has disappeared, and no "scratch" marks for the last six months or so.

But who knows? The symptoms can be identical to, or overlap with, both Lyme and ME/CFS

Rocephin did not help me, btw, at least not immediately - there could have been a time lag, but it would have had to have been months..

I can't recall what might have helped, if anything indeed did. I've been on rifampimen, ceften, doxy, mino, tinadozal, you name it, at different times. I will be checking my bartonella titers within the next couple of months. For all I know I still have it, and have only corralled a couple of symptoms.


Senior Member
Yes, 30 days IV Rocephin. Four months later I was able to walk on my feet - but that was four months. Two months after I stopped the IV, I started a new oral abx combo, and that might be what's behind the symptom reduction. I cannot say.


Senior Member
Seattle, WA USA
Do you have the sore throat and sick feeling that has been minimized by treatment? My feet pain reduced drastically with gabapentin, it is now minimal. I guess I am more concerned about the sick part... But nice to hear you are getting symptom reduction!


Senior Member
No sore throat. But bad balance issues and associated nausea.

I am not a good example for treatment success, with the possible exception of my feet. Even the IV Rocephin worsened some of my neuro issues. The very first day, following the initial infusion, I could feel a marked worsening in things like balance, and it was tied into the treatment.

So I stumble a lot and bump into things, but at least not on sore feet anymore. And no scratches. :)

Of course, I am afraid to stop my current abx regimen for fear my feet will get painful again.
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Senior Member
We've been self-treating (my son) for Bartonella since November - using the Buhner herbs - with great success so far.
  • stretch marks - no new ones
  • irritability - largely under control (occasional sessions controlled with any one of vitamin C, salt, folate, potassium - it can be a bit of a guess as to which one works, but we're getting better at it)
  • digestion issues - largely better, with some unease that is treated with salt (usually corn chips or vegemite)
  • extreme fatigue - improving
  • night/day sleep patterns - improving
We're still only up to half doses on most things, and haven't routinely introduced all yet.

Our recently acquired doctor suggested adding in antibiotics, which we ummed and ahhed about. It would be rifampicin, azithromycin and doxy. Because the azithrmycin is only 3 a week, we're trying that to see what happens.

I tried the herbs too. No more painful feet, painfull joints, or stabby pains for me any more. I think it's the Japanese knotweed that keeps the pain away - and it's only 1/4 tsp a day.

From what I've read, sourcing good herbs is as tricky as sourcing quality supplements.


Senior Member
I'm just curious if someone can have bartonella for that many years and eliminate it with IV antibiotics, or do I now have mitochondrial issues from years of illness and am better off waiting for Dr Davis et al?
It might be a difficult one to eliminate, due to it hiding out in the tissues. There doesn't seem to be much (if any) research into treating chronic infections, so there's a let of guesses being made.

I also stopped getting new marks after 3 months on relevant IV antibiotics, and some months on oral antibiotics.


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I haven't successfully treated my Bart due o MCAS reactions to drugs, herbs etc.

I tried Rifampicin, which is very specific for Bart, but it caused me really severe mental symptoms - borderline psychosis and I had to stop. I know this issue with Rifampin is common in those who take it and have Bart - it can be like going through hell mentally. My local GP had to step in and make me stop taking it as I was telling my husband I was going to kill myself, although I have no memory of this happening.

There is a great video around on the forum with a vet who has successfully treated humans with Bart.

I agree that it is impossible to know what is really causing our health issues until we get decent medical services for PWME.

Ive had an M,E Dr tell me its my mitochondria, a thyroid specialist tell me its subclinical hypothyroidism, another M.E Dr tell me its Lyme and co and an MCAS Dr who says it's most likely primary MCAS.

When you got a hammer...


Senior Member
i have not had any improvement for a long time until i started modified citrus pectin. seems to be the only thing that works for eradicating the biofilm. got the stretch mark rash reappearing and it seems to be doing something powerful. i think it's revealing itself to my immune system so it can attack the Bartonella.


Senior Member
Seattle, WA USA
i have not had any improvement for a long time until i started modified citrus pectin. seems to be the only thing that works for eradicating the biofilm. got the stretch mark rash reappearing and it seems to be doing something powerful. i think it's revealing itself to my immune system so it can attack the Bartonella.

this is something I need to remember to try! I feel the biofilm is a big part of my issues.. Too bad we rely on gut feeling……